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Service Tree

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Document Authentication Services

Taxonomy Code: FT-1900

Programs that authenticate any of a variety of documents, licenses, certifications and registrations (including birth, adoption, marriage or divorce certificates; property ownership documents; school or university admission papers and transcripts; and business, commercial import-export documents and contracts dealing with incorporation, partnerships, product standards and distribution) that citizens and foreign nationals need to use in a foreign country. Included are programs that authenticate documents for submission and acceptance by a foreign government under the terms of the Hague Convention #12 and those that authenticate documents for use in non-member nations. The Secretary of State of the state in which the document is executed may affix an apostille (certificate of authenticity) to a document which can be sent directly to a Hague member nation. Documents that will be used in non-member nations must be certified by the Secretary of State in the state in which the document is executed, authenticated by the U.S. Department of State and legalized by the embassy or consulate of that nation. All documents submitted for authentication must be acknowledged before a notary public and notary authentication by the clerk of the county in which the notary is commissioned is required.

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