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Robocalls Reporting

Taxonomy Code: FN-1700.7120

Programs that provide a hotline, website or other mechanisms that people can use to report a problem with robocalls, situations where the phone rings, is answered and there is a recorded message rather than a live person on the line, usually trying to sell something. In situations where a person is getting a lot of robocalls, chances are good that the calls are illegal and should be reported to the FTC at "donotcall.gov". Numbers left on an individual's caller ID display should also be reported, though chances are good that call spoofing may have occurred (a situation in which the caller deliberately falsifies the information transmitted to the victim's caller ID display to disguise their identity). The numbers that people report are released to the public each business day which helps phone carriers and other partners that are working on call-blocking solutions. The reports also help law enforcement identify the people behind illegal calls. A robocall trying to sell a person something is illegal unless a company has their written permission to call them that way. To get permission, the company has to be clear it's asking to call with the robocalls. If permission is given, the individual has the right to change their mind later.

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